Select Student Success Programs Heading link Copy link UIC Aspire UIC's grant program that makes higher education more affordable and accessible by covering tuition and mandatory fees for new UIC students who meet residency and income requirements. President’s Award Program (PAP) A scholarship program for campus diversity. Summer College Tuition-free programming for incoming, first-year students aimed at easing the transition from high school to college. Accelerate Your Success Program A summer scholarship for students who use the Summer term for stacking up the credit hours needed for timely graduation. Flames Leadership Network Identifies students who have strong credentials, promise to succeed, leadership potential, and helps them thrive at UIC. iAdvise A system that promotes shared responsibility for student educational progress and success. Summer Bridge Programs at UIC Summer bridge programs for high school and admitted first-year UIC students. First-Year Seminars Courses that help students transition to UIC and connect with instructors, peers, resources, and academic programs. L@SGANAS Latin@s Gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science. Break Through Tech Chicago Propels women into higher education and tech careers, with the goal of achieving gender equality in tech. Business Scholars – BAC Mentoring Program Connects Business Scholars with faculty, Dean's Business Advisory Council and alumni who share experiences and resources. DuSable Scholars Program Supports talented Black and Native American students who are underrepresented in STEM fields to timely graduation in a STEM major at UIC and matriculation to a research-based, STEM graduate program. First-at-LAS Celebrates strengths, supports academic success, and fosters networks for LAS first-generation students. Guaranteed Paid Internship Program-College of Eng. Gives incoming fall freshman students in engineering the opportunity to serve as paid interns for the following summer. LARES Leaders Promotes leadership development through civic engagement and awareness of Latinx policies in the community. Transition Coaching Promotes access, engagement and persistence for students matriculating to or currently enrolled at UIC. iLEAD Professional Development Program Improvisation training in the classroom builds confidence, quick thinking, and interpersonal skills at UIC Business. WISE-Chicago WISE-Chicago is a supportive group of intellectual women who are passionate about STEM fields and who come together. Educational and Research Training Collaborative A group of faculty mentors and undergraduate students engaged in a long-term, intensive research mentoring experience. Women in Engineering Programs (WIEP) A resource for prospective, new, and continuing students at UIC College of Engineering. Promoting Academic Progress Aims to help students avoid financial aid cancellations due to academic progress issues. Social Belonging and the Transition to College Class session built around a video that features UIC students discussing their challenges in transitioning to college. First Day Project Focuses on improving the messages that students receive through syllabi and the first day of class. Student Noncognitive Assets and Advising A project that uses noncognitive factors to help advisors support individual students in achieving success. Early Alerts An early intervention program that helps students overcome barriers to college success.